The jitters and some tears

As you know by now, Son of a Fish releases on June 1st. And I’ve already received my very first review!! Barb at Live Your Life, Buy the Book gave Sam and Casey 4 1/2 stars!!!  I’m such a big baby. I’ve been crying since read the review.


It’s just over twenty-four hours from this very moment. I’ve done a lot of things in my life. Just a tidbit, something you may not know, I sing. I’ve been on stage in front of hundreds of people before and sang my heart out… numerous times. I can’t remember ever being as nervous as I am in this very moment, with the release of my first short story on the horizon. Of course, I’ve been singing since I was a toddler, so that could have something to do with it. So here on the almost eve of my official inauguration as an honest-to-god author. I have to thank the people who have walked with me, step by step into this new world. There are a ton of you… it really does take an army.

First, my family supports everything I do. I have the most amazing women in my life who support me no matter what I choose to do and no matter whether or not they understand why I write what I do. So to my mom, my Aunt Pat, and my cousin, Paula. I love you ladies more than you can imagine.

And to the army of authors, readers, friends, and loved ones who stood at my back or over my shoulder (you all know who you are) pushing me to write and to continue writing. You mean the world to me.

Specifically CC, Jayden, Lexi, Rhys, Anne, Jana, and Gabrielle, you guys make me better with your guidance and encouragement every step of the way.

Okay… in case, you haven’t realized, I get sentimental when I’m nervous… but I mean every word.

So, come 12 a.m EST and 11 p.m. CST (or somewhere close to those times), I’ll post the buy links.

Happy Reading!!


Son of a Fish

Out June 1st from Dreamspinner Press (I will link it as soon as it’s available)

Son of a Fish by Kenzie Cade

Sam Crowe lives a quiet life. He’s a freelance journalist and sometimes fiction writer. His world is turned upside down when love lands on his doorstep—literally, while cursing up a G-rated storm. Son of a fish, indeed. Casey Sanders doesn’t know whether it’s good luck or bad when he slips and falls on the icy steps of his apartment building, but the hero who comes to his rescue is worth the discomfort.

Their attraction is instant, but Sam is certain Casey’s flirtation and kind words are a result of the pain medication. But Casey is persistent and won’t give up until he has what he wants. And what he wants is Sam.

son of a fish Mended_FBbanner_DSP

ts. And what he wants is Sam.

Fierce… Project Fierce, that is.

I told you guys a while back of my short Never Leave  being accepted by Less than Three Press for a charity anthology entitled Everyone Deserves a HomeWell, now we have cover art…and it’s stunning.


I’m beyond excited to be part of such a wonderful, heart-filled project. All proceeds from this anthology will go directly to Project Fierce Chicago to help reduce LGBTQ youth homlessness in Chicago. Theirs is a wonderful charity full of hope and help. I’m proud be be a small part.

Keep an eye out. Everyone Deserves a Home releases on July 16th, and will be hopefully be available for pre-order even sooner. I’ll let you know when that happens.


Fresh and Clean… and Freshly Booked

Okee dokee, boys and girls. This very new, very inexperienced author is about to have her very first interview!!!! *cue high pitched squeal* I’m both super excited and extremely nervous, but I’m looking forward to this part of the journey!

Tricia and Heidi of Freshly Booked of the Writer’s Own Network (WON) on Blog Talk Radio have invited me for a guest spot this Wednesday, May 7 at 8:00 p.m. CST.

I’m sure they’re going to ask me groundbreaking, heart-stopping, stop-the-press kind of questions like Where do you find inspiration for your books? and Tell us about your muse. They’ll probably make me blush and giggle profusely. I’m sure there will be plenty of in-you-face questions to leave me stammering… plenty of uhs and ums with questions such as Do you have any new manuscripts you’re working on? or How do you get past writer’s block? Okay, well to be honest, I’ll probably stammer without being put on the spot. But that’s part of the fun of live interviews… right? Right?

To hear the answers to these questions and at least fifteen more, join me, Tricia, and Heidi on the Writer’s Own Network this Wednesday for a new edition of Freshly Booked.

I’ll post the link closer to the date. And yes, I think there’s even an open call line.

I hope to see you there!

freshly booked